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Arbor Day Celebration Friday, April 7

Branson Arbor Day is this Friday, according to a city press release; the full press release is available below.

(BRANSON, Mo, 4/3/23) – The Branson community is invited to celebrate one of the Ozarks' most valued assets, natural beauty, and help plant a tree at Branson’s Arbor Day Celebration on Friday, April 7, 2023, at Eiserman Park located at 201 Compton Drive, Branson, MO, 65616 during one of two sessions at 9:00 a.m. or 2:00 p.m.

As part of the Arbor Day celebration, Mayor Larry Milton will declare April 7, 2023, as Arbor Day in Branson while the City’s TreeKeepers, a local volunteer group that helps take care of trees, and other volunteers plant a canopy tree at the Park. All area residents, community members and businesses are invited to participate in the Arbor Day festivities. 

“This is a great way to celebrate our environment and to teach the younger generation why trees are so important. I will be on hand to give insight and tips on how to plant and take care of trees where you live,” said Parks & Recreation Landscape Specialist, Amy Jackson.

The City of Branson has earned the official Arbor Day Foundation’s Tree City USA designation for 27 years and places great value on its community forests through its TreeKeepers and Memorial Tree Program, which allows individuals to dedicate a tree to a family member or friend. For more information on both of these programs, please visit the Parks & Trails section of our website, BransonParksandRecreation.com.

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