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Branson Board Approves Contract for New Fire Station Design Services

The Branson Board of Aldermen give approval for the next step in the design of a new fire station for the city.

In a double read, the Branson Board of Aldermen Tuesday night unanimously approved a contract with Hoeffer Wekler, LLC for the professional design services for new Fire Station #4 that will be built at Champagne Boulevard.

The fire station design is projected at a maximum of 11,000 sq. feet with a projected budget of $3.5 million from the half-cent Public Safety Sales tax Branson residents passed in 2017. The fire station will be designed to house up to six firefighters, three drive-through bays and a community/training room.

City staff is meeting with the design firm today for a design kick-off meeting and on-site visit. There will also be a meeting that is open to the public at 4:00  this afternoon at the Pointe Royale Clubhouse where residents can meet the design team and provide input on what they would like to see in their new fire station.

The City put this project out for bid and received 11 Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for this project on July 20, 2021. These RFQ's were reviewed by a team of city staff who then selected the top 4 companies. Each of these companies' references were checked by staff and the findings from the reference check were presented to the selection committee. A contract has been negotiated for basic design services at 8.25% plus additional predesign supplemental services and optional services not to exceed the amount of $390,000 which has been allocated in the Public Safety Sales Tax budget.

(From City of Branson Press Release)

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