BRANSON, MO (September 27, 2023) – The Branson R-IV School District has been awarded the Missouri Quality Prekindergarten (MOQPK) grant through the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. The MOQPK program is designed to expand the funding for prekindergarten instruction and increase access for all families.
The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education awarded all MOQPK grants on September 1, 2023. Through MOQPK grant funding, Branson Schools enrolled 45 new preschool students to Cedar Ridge Primary during the month of September. Students completed a preschool screening through the Branson Parents as Teachers program prior to beginning school.
“We recognized the need in our community and have responded in earnest to ensure that every child in Branson has access to a highly-effective preschool program,” says Cedar Ridge Primary Principal, Carol Furman.
Cedar Ridge Primary currently houses ten preschool classes. “With the addition of two new preschool classrooms, we are able to prepare more students to be learners and leaders, and lay a strong foundation for a successful experience in Branson Public Schools,” says Furman.
For more information about preschool offerings at Branson Schools, please contact Cedar Ridge Primary at (417) 334-5135.