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BTLN partners with Children’s Miracle Network

Branson Tri-Lakes News and its area sister publications, Stone County Republican/Crane Chronicle, Stone County Shopper, Branson This Week and Barry County Advertiser are partnering with the Children’s Miracle Network as media sponsors to provide support for the organization’s upcoming Miracle Week Telethon.

The publications will feature half page advertisements for the event in each edition through Wednesday, Nov. 29.

The telethon benefits Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, a non-profit organization dedicated to raising funds and awareness for the medical care of children from birth through the age of 18. The telethon will take place from Monday, Nov. 27 through Sunday, Dec. 3. It will air on KY3, KSPR and Ozarks CW during various newscasts throughout the week.

The full article is available at

(Story by Chris Carlson,

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