Some fluctuations in prices locally, but increases statewide.
The average price for a gallon of regular gasoline across Arkansas has gone up another cent but come down in Boone County. The statewide average is up to $4.494 which is up more than a penny from yesterday according to the AAA.
Yesterday AAA had Boone County listed as the highest average price of any county in Northern Arkansas but today Boone County’s price has dropped while Carroll and Newton Counties are tied for the highest. Boone County’s average is down at 4.535 while Carroll and Newton County's average is up to 4.603
Desha County in Southeast Arkansas has the highest average at $4.775 while the lowest average is in Hot Spring County at 4.397.
The national average has climbed to $4.97 and is expected to hit $5.00 a gallon for the first time very soon.
Here are the average prices for Boone and surrounding counties:
Boone: $4.535
Carroll: $4.603
Newton: $4.603
Searcy: 4.442
Marion: $4.551
Baxter: $4.528
Stone: $4.499
Taney: $4.535
Stone: $4.504
Ozark: $4.599
Christian $4.406
Greene: $4.399
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