The following is a press release.
The City of Branson is rolling out a new online tool for residents and community members called Building Branson – Commercial and Residential Growth, an interactive application to show what new businesses and multi-family projects are being worked on in Branson.
This information has always been available to the public, but due to high demand and interest, the City wanted to put it together in one place and in an easy to use application. The new tool can be found on the homepage of the City’s website, BransonMo.Gov and by clicking on the blue tab labeled “Building Branson – Commercial and Residential Growth.”
Once you have clicked on Building Branson, the information is provided in a clear and user-friendly manner. Along with basic directions for how to navigate the tool, there are four tabs for multi-family and commercial permits which are both in review and have been issued permits or are currently under construction. Overall, the tool provides all of this information using simple graphics within an overall city location map, but users also have the opportunity to dive deeper into each permitted project for more information if desired.
“We are always looking for ways to present public information in a more user-friendly and transparent manner. Following the City’s implementation of Citizenserve almost two years ago, information pertaining to building permits and developments is now entirely electronic. This new tool is a creative and technologically savvy use of our Geographic Information Systems (GIS) that will benefit our citizens, developers and other community members by providing a central location for some of the most requested information from our Department,” said Planning & Development Director, Joel Hornickel.
Building Branson is updated and changed on a regular basis to provide the most accurate and current status of the projects within. Users are encouraged to check it often.