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College of the Ozarks Agriculture Department hosts annual FFA Workshop

After two years of COVID-19 preventing College of the Ozarks from hosting this event, on March 5, the agriculture department hosted its annual Future Farmers of America Workshop. Sixty-five high schools and 1,350 high school students from all over Missouri and Arkansas attended the workshop.

This workshop is an opportunity for high school FFA students to develop their critical thinking and leadership skills while sharpening their contest abilities. Throughout the workshop, College of the Ozarks students shared the knowledge and skills they have gained through their education and work experiences on campus. College of the Ozarks students also served as judges and proctors for the events. The goal was to create an interactive experience that would teach practical skills and challenge the FFA students’ knowledge. They participated in a variety of workshops and contests such as agronomy, dairy cattle, livestock evaluation, dairy foods, floriculture, entomology, meats, soils, poultry, forestry, landscaping, horse evaluation, and various speech and presentation events.

“Our workshop showed the students how to be life-long learners,” said Lydia Jackson, junior horticulture major. Jackson and Janella Tharp, senior agriculture education major, served as the planners and managers of the workshop.

The student workers and supervisors of the beef farm, hog farm, processing plant, agronomy, feed mill, and garden workstations collaborated to make the FFA Workshop successful. 

Academic advisors and current students were available during the FFA Workshop to discuss the College’s agriculture program. The agriculture department offers majors in agriculture business, animal science, horticulture, agriculture education, agronomy, agriculture development, pre-vet, and wildlife conservation and management. 

For additional information, contact Public Relations Director Valorie Coleman at (417) 690-2212.

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