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Downtown Branson Streetscape Meeting Next Week

Photo courtesy City of Branson

The City of Branson is hosting a public meeting on the next phase of the downtown project.

The complete release from the city is below:
The City of Branson is hosting a public information meeting for Historic Downtown Streetscape Phase IV on Thursday, June 27th from 5:00pm to 7:00pm at Council Chambers in City Hall. The focus of this phase is ADA compliance to include sidewalk and intersection improvements, water lines, expansion of bathroom facilities and other streetscape improvements for the Downtown Main Street Area.

The design team of Great River Engineering/Branson will be conducting the meeting for key audience members to include property owners and business proprietors of the area. The public is also invited to attend.

At the meeting, Great River will show the Phase IV boundaries, give an overview of the scope of construction to be accomplished and schedule interviews with property owners & business proprietors. The individual interviews are intended to gather additional information pertinent to the design of Phase IV improvements. Progress on Streetscape to date will also be reviewed.

Great River Engineering has already completed the topographic and utility location surveys and has started the design for Phase IV of the project.
The presentation will commence at 5:00 pm and last approximately 30 minutes, with discussion to follow. The meeting will be held in the Council Chambers located on the main floor of City Hall at 110 West Maddux, Branson, MO, 65616.

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