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Election Results: Tourism Tax Renewed, Yes to Three Issues in Branson West

Voters say yes to four ballot issues up for consideration in the Lakes Region.

The Branson/Lakes Area Tourism Tax, up for renewal for a third time, was passed by voters throughout the district in Branson, Indian Point, and surrounding areas. Voters in Branson/Taney County passed the measure by a 561-257 margin while Indian Point/Stone County Voters passed it by a margin of 50-33. The tax is 1% that goes to help fund marketing for the region and administered by the Tourism Community Enhancement District.

Meanwhile, voters in Branson West passed three issues on their Tuesday Ballot. A Bond Issue for Waterworks and Sewage Facility Improvements and Expansion passed 46-17, a 3% Tax on Retail Marijuana Sales also passed 52-12, and a 1/2 of 1% Sales Tax to Public Safety Funding passed by a 41-23 margin. 

According to the County Clerk's Offices, 8.54% of the voters in Taney County cast a ballot in the election while in Stone County, 15.7% went to the polls to vote in the elections in Branson West and Indian Point.


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