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For the People - A city update from Branson Mayor, Larry Milton

The following is Branson Mayor Larry Milton's recent update.

Hello Friends,

I want to thank our citizens across the city for another successful National Night Out. This year we had 12 neighborhoods participate in this program designed to make communities safer and more caring places to live. This is truly a great opportunity for community members to engage not only with one another in their neighborhoods, but also with various city staff members and elected officials. We look forward to another great event in 2022.

Items of note from our last Board of Alderman Meeting that was held September 28, 2021, include: approval of special event status for the Adoration Parade, the first reading of an ordinance approving a zoning change from mixed-use to high density residential for the properties located at 705 Blue Meadows Road, and appointments of Rob Johns and Cindy Merry to the Tourism Community Enhancement District.

Items of Interest for the Upcoming Board Meeting on October 12, 2021, include: ordinances regarding communication service, public safety equipment, RV park equipment, tree trimming, trash removal, PepsiCo merchandise, and concrete supply contracts; amendments to chapter 62 of the code involving Parks and Recreation; and appointments to the Branson Housing Authority and Ozarks Area Community Action Corporation Board. The full agenda is on the city’s website, BransonMo.Gov in the “Agendas & Minutes” section. As always, we hope to see you in the City Hall Council Chambers this Tuesday at 6:00 p.m.

In addition to the above items, I would like to point out a special item on Tuesday's agenda. The Board will hear a presentation on Ozark Mountain Christmas. As many of you know, Ozark Mountain Christmas is a timehonored tradition in our area. The name, and activities surrounding it, have brought joy to the hearts of millions of visitors and locals alike over the years. Ozark Mountain Christmas is a perfect visualization of what Branson represents and harkens back to a simpler time focused on family, faith, and the true "Reason for the season." This brand has helped make Christmas the "most wonderful time of the year" in Branson, and in my opinion, the Ozark Mountain Christmas slogan and brand should be saved and widely promoted. Not only is this tradition good for the Christmas spirit, it's good for the bottom line. Ozark Mountain Christmas sets Branson apart from other holiday destinations and draws millions of tourists looking for a Christmas vacation destination that makes them feel like family. It can't be replicated. It is OURS and I think it needs to be front and center as we head into the Christmas season. The success of our town depends on our uniqueness and we need to market that to the masses. If you agree, this Tuesday, October 12, is your chance to make your voice heard. Come out and let us know if you want to see more of Ozark Mountain Christmas in our community!

Finally, I want to wish our Navy Veterans and service members a happy birthday on Wednesday, October 13, 246 Years of Fair Winds and Following Seas!

For the People, Mayor Larry Milton City of Branson

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