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Holiday Food Harvest Raises Over $33,000, Seven Tons of Food

Left to right, Lou Danner along with Audrey and Travis Spratt work a Holiday Food Harvest Location at Price Chopper in Branson. (Photo by Janet Bezzerides)

Residents and visitors in the Lakes Region once again step up to help area food pantries.

Preliminary totals for the 2022 Ozarks Dynacom’s Holiday Food Harvest presented by the Tri-Lakes Board of Realtors collects over seven tons of food and just over $33,500 in cash donations. 

The food and cash donations will be split up between Christian Action Ministries, Christian Associates, and Salvation Army-Branson. 

This year’s event was the 17th joint effort between Ozarks Dynacom and the Tri-Lakes Board of Realtors since the two combined their annual Food Drives into one event in 2006. 

The complete release from Janet Bezzerides of the Tri-Lakes Board of Realtors is below:
The weather helped and the turnout was great, just what we always expect on the biggest grocery shopping day of the year.
The preliminary totals are 7 tons of food and just over $33,500 in cash split between the Salvation Army, Christian Action Ministries of Branson and Christian Associates of Table Rock Lake. 

Thank you to everyone who stopped by the nine grocery stores last week, everyone who donated online, and all of the members of the Tri-Lakes Board of Realtors who upped the ante with their own little competition!  Companies like Reece Nichols, Boeker Group, Keller Williams, Lightfoot & Youngblood, Gerken & Associates, Foggy River Realty and more...all make this part of their annual giving.  

We do this year after year because the bible says that 'to whom much is given, much is required'.  Because we, as Realtors, are blessed by the members of our community and want to give back in a meaningful way. Because by allowing these charities the means to reach out into the dark corners of our community, we may be a part of changing a life, helping a small boy or girl be able to concentrate on their studies, give a lonely senior the ability to relax and not worry about their next meal.  And because my Mom, who grew up dirt poor, taught me that no matter how little we have, someone has less.  That we are all in this together. 

Prior to the partnership of the radio stations and the Realtors, in 2005 when I got my real estate license, the Realtors had their own food drive, helping the same three charities.  It was a natural marriage and has made a synergy of far as I know this is the area's largest single-day food effort.  Each year I look for ways to make it better.  JUST WAIT...until 2023!

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