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Hollister to Have One Contested Race in April Election

The City of Hollister will have one contested race and a slight change in position for the upcoming April Election.

Jeff Long was appointed earlier this year to fill-out the unexpired term of longtime Ward Two Alderman David Willard who stepped down after being re-elected last April. By law, that seat is up for a one-year term in 2024 however Long filed for the Ward Two Seat held by longtime Aldermen Phil Carman who in turned filled for the one-year unexpired term. 

Carman is running unopposed for the one-year term but Long will have a challenger for the Ward Two Two-Year Seat as Dale Grubaugh has filed to run as well. 

The other two positions in Hollister will not see a contested race as Mayor Lamar Patton and Ward One Alderman David Honey will run unopposed for reelection. 

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