Branson’s House of Hope has taken a giant step toward their goal of giving more homeless members of the community a place to warm up when temperatures fall.
The charity received a special use permit for their warming center during a meeting of the Branson Planning Commission on Tuesday, Oct. 4. The approval helped resolve issues between the city and charity which initially caused the shutdown of the warming center.
“This shows the best parts of the city of Branson,” Mayor Larry Milton said. “You have the best of the city staff working together with a local charity to help find a solution for a need within the community which citizens wanted to see done. This is a great thing for the city of Branson.”
A key part of the approval is the near doubling of the amount of people the city will allow inside the House of Hope facility in downtown Branson. The maximum capacity moves from 25 to 49 people.
The full article can be read for free at bransontrilakesnews.com.