The Branson Board of Aldermen took a step ahead in an important discussion during Tuesday night's meeting.
The Branson Board of Aldermen continued the conversation centered around converting hotels and motels in the Branson entertainment district into family living spaces. The interest for this sparked from the fact that these places aren't subject to yearly inspections, permits, licenses and more.
"Existing code does not provide dimensional standards for the entertainment district. Every other district allowing for multi-family provides dimensional standards, including density requirements. Staff is proposing clarification to the Branson Municipal Code to offer additional protections in the Entertainment District," the staff report states.
It goes on to state the following:
These clarifications may include, but not limited to:
• Section 94-35.-Building Types.
• Table 94-48.1 -Building Types by Zone District
• Table 94-44.1 -ENT Dimensional Standards 7 8 5 0
• Section 94-45. -Entertainment District (ENT).
• Section 94-60. -Table of permitted uses.