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Largent Promotes Security Event

SafeHaven Security Group offers an exciting opportunity on Thursday, according to Bob Largent, Harrison Regional Chamber of Commerce president and CEO.

Largent appeared on KHOZ's "Around The Table" to discuss the news. "We have a great opportunity with one of our local investors, SafeHaven Security Group to present a community workshop on violence mitigation and prevention and response, " Largent said. The event will run from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.

The JPH at North Arkansas College will hold the free event. Largent said anyone is welcome to attend.

He explained that the state of the world makes these kinds of events necessary. The group, Largent said, consists of former law enforcement, security and legal professionals. Also, he said they are "recognized national experts in personal security and business security."

Largent said the workshop educates and shows "how to be on the receiving end of a violent situation." It will teach people how to deal with such occurrences.

Anyone wanting to come is encouraged to call the Chamber of Commerce at 870-741-2659. Largent said this will help plan properly.

However, he said attendees can still come without registering. Largent talked about this and more.

The full interview with Largent is on the "Around The Table" Facebook Page.

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