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Mammograms and More at Boone County Library

Mammograms and more are available at the Boone County Library, according to Terry Register.

The library's Register, Friends of the Library President Carol Harris and Adult Outreach Coordinator Maebel Edwards appeared on KHOZ's "Around The Table" on Thursday to talk about this month's activities and events. It's Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and Register said the Baxter Mammogram Van will provide service at the library on Oct. 21.

She added that anyone needing a mammogram should call the library to get scheduled. Something else is going on.

The library is gathering personal care item donations. Body soap, shampoo, deodorant, and female products are acceptable to donate.

Register explained that these things are wanted to help the community's homeless and low-income population. More was discussed on the broadcast.

The full interview with Register, Harris and Edwards is on the "Around The Table" Facebook Page.

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