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MDC Podcast: Turkey Season Slow, Fishing Improving

The early part of the Turkey Hunting Season in Missouri has been slow according to one of the Taney County Missouri Department of Conservation Agents.

Quenten Fronterhouse says during this week's edition of the MDC Podcast that the numbers of turkeys in the region has declined due to a combination of wet spring weather plus an increase number of predator animals which in turn, results in the number of turkeys harvested by hunters to be down. 

Fronterhouse adds that hunters and people using the outdoors need to be on the lookout for each other for the safety of everyone enjoying the outdoors. 

Fronterhouse also says during the podcast that fishing in several areas has picked up, especially on Lake Taneycomo where the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has been running water on a regular basis. 

The complete MDC Podcast can be heard below:

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