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Mike Huckabee Talks Getting Involved, Daughter's Win in Arkansas Governor's Race

Mike Huckabee visits with Josh Clark during KRZK's "Ozarks Now" Program (Photo by Scott McCaulley)

Former Arkansas Governor and Ozarks Dynacom Owner Mike Huckabee says people need to be involved in their government at all levels.

Huckabee, during a joint interview on KRZK's "Ozarks Now" along with "The Upside with Josh Clark" and the MY 100.1's "Mornings with Josh Grisham" programs said that people being involved in local government like City Councils, School Boards, and County Commissions is important because of the policies enacted that impact everyday life. 

Huckabee also discussed the win of his daughter Sarah Huckabee Sanders in the Arkansas Governor's Race, becoming the first woman Governor in the State's history, but also first ever in the U.S. for a Father/Daughter to hold a Governor's seat plus with Leslie Rutledge winning the Lt. Governor's Race, the first women to hold the top two spots in State Government. 

The complete interview with Mike Huckabee can be heard below plus seen on the "Ozarks Now" Facebook Page:

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