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Missouri Dept. of Conservation: Leave wildlife alone

Photo credit to OzarksFirst

This spring, you might see some cute, newborn animals outside. The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) tells OzarksFirst no matter how innocent or abandoned an animal may look, don’t take one into your home.

OzarksFirst spoke with the MDC about what folks should keep in mind. Media specialist Francis Skalicky says even though it may be tempting to make friends with a wild animal, you should always leave wild animals alone.

“With a lot of instances people will find things they think are abandoned like bunnies or fawns or things like that,” Skalicky said. “They’re actually left there by their mothers when they’re out foraging. [These animals are] not abandoned at all. If you would take that animal into your care you would actually kidnap it. You wouldn’t be saving it.”

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