The Lakeside RV Park run by the City of Branson looking at possible expansion.
A recap of a recent decision by the Branson Board of Alderman by Jason Wert of the Branson Tri-Lakes News is below:
The Branson Board of Aldermen passed a measure to allow Mayor Larry Milton to sign a document supporting a zoning change for land near the Lakeside RV Park.
The property owned by the city is part of a planned expansion of the park west of 300 Boxcar Willie Drive. The city owns property located at 412 Shore Lane.
As part of the process [of expanding the RV park] the Planning Department requires a notarized signature of the Property Owner Acknowledgment document executed by all property owners,” Parks Director Cindy Shook told the board. “The City of Branson owns one of the properties in the area being rezoned. In signing this agreement, the city acknowledges it supports the request and agrees to abide by the regulations of the Branson Municipal Code.”
Shook said this agreement just starts the process of rezoning and it will send the plan to the Planning and Zoning Commission, and eventually back to the Board of Aldermen.
Tom Harrison, who is a neighboring property owner, told the board he has issues with the potential rezoning.
“I’m just concerned about the location of the new add-on,” Harrison said. “I’m backed up to 412 as you can see, and I really would have a problem with rezoning that because 412 has been vacant for some time because of the FEMA situation…I’m concerned with the RV park coming that far.”
He said he would like to see a buffer, or dead space, between a potential expansion of the RV Park and his property because he’s concerned about crime.
“It’s been really quiet down there, but I know if you open it up to an RV park you’re going to have a lot more traffic, a lot more possible vandalism or trouble, and I’m speculating of course,” Harrison said. “That’s what happens when you open up that whole area.”
He also said there is an intersection which has limited visibility because of vegetation in the area.
Shook reiterated the vote was the first step in the process, and there would be meetings with landowners around the area before the matter even goes to Planning and Zoning, including a meeting at the campground on Thurs., Sept. 8, to get feedback on the potential expansion.
Alderman Ralph LeBlanc asked about issues related to crime at the RV Park, and Shook said there was little crime reported, with theft being the most common.
“What we typically see out there is theft from the back of a truck, somebody’s bicycle, and it’s a one-off,” Police Chief Jeff Matthews told the board. “I don’t recall any in the last year or so. It’s pretty quiet.”
LeBlanc said the lack of issues speaks to the quality of the product being offered by the city in the RV park.
Alderman Clay Cooper said his understanding from the comments of Harrison is not that he had an issue with expansion, but he didn’t want the RVs backed right up to his property, and Cooper would make sure it would not happen.
The aldermen voted unanimously to authorize the mayor to sign the document.