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Nixa Biking and Walking Trails Goals

Nixa Parks and Recreation recently discussed via Facebook desires to create connections for walking and biking trails; the full post from their Facebook Page is below.

Nixa needs more walking and biking trails.

That’s one of the things we hear from the community most often.

We’d like to connect all schools and parks facilities through sidewalks and trails, and city council has been spending money from each year’s city budget to pay for new segments of sidewalk, one piece at a time. We just can’t afford to do more in any given year because building sidewalks is expensive.

It currently costs the city about $72 per linear foot for 4 foot wide sidewalk, and double that cost for paved walking/biking trails which need to be at least 8 feet wide.

We’d also like to create a connection from Nixa to the Chadwick Flyer trail which will connect Springfield to Ozark once complete.

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