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Ozarks First Airs Feature on Local Veteran Turning 100

Rodney Parsons celebrating his 100th Birthday at Country Mart in Forsyth Friday. (Photo courtesy Ozarks First)

Ozarks First airs a feature honoring an area Veteran who turned 100 years old on Friday.

The story from Natalie Nunn and Emilee Kuschel is below as well as a video feature which can be seen on the Ozarks First Website:

Every morning at 8:30, World War II veteran Rodney Parsons, or Chuck as his friends call him, walks through the doors of the Forsyth Country Mart. 

“I come every day.  8:30 every day and they always have breakfast ready for me,” laughs Rodney Parsons.

If a morning goes by where Rodney doesn’t show up, employee Becky Enno says they go out of their way to find him.

“When he doesn’t show up at 8:30, we’ve gone to check on him many times,” says Becky Enno, “He’s just a great guy!”

Becky Enno isn’t the only employee to adore Rodney. He gets a love note every day with his breakfast.  Friday, it was a special birthday edition. 

The morning consisted of pictures, punch, and gifts; including his favorite lottery ticket.  Everyone was there to talk to the birthday boy. 

“He’s part of the family, part of the Country Mart family,” says Enno.

Friday, May 6, 2022, may have started off with Rodney’s normal routine with breakfast at Country Mart.  But the normal trip, ended by being one of those days Rodney will treasure.

“I’m happy,” says Rodney with a smile, “Happy to have friends.” 

When asked his secret to living to 100, Rodney says you have to keep your mind sharp.  If your mind goes, everything follows. 

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