Cox Medical Center in Branson is hosting a prayer event next week.
In an effort to unite our community in a year that has caused so much division, Cox Medical Center Branson will dedicate a ‘Prayer Square’ on our campus and invites the community to participate in 24 hours of prayer on Monday, Aug. 23 beginning at 10 a.m.
The Square is located on the top level of the main parking lot by the flag pole. CoxHealth, along with its community partners, invite local businesses and individuals to stop by during a designated time by sending a message to the Cox Medical Center Branson Facebook page. To allow for social distancing, we ask that groups of ten or less visit at a time. There will be a tent to provide shade and refreshments sponsored by Branson Bank and Vintage Paris. Masks are required.
“We’re asking folks to say a prayer for our entire community,” says William Mahoney, president of Cox Branson. “This is to support our hospital staff, patients, teachers, students, families and anyone else making decisions or having a hard time in what has been a really difficult 18 months.”
Having a centralized place at the hospital for the community to pray was the idea of Dr. Sue Head, VP of College of the Ozarks, who also serves on the hospital’s Board of Directors.
“The Ozarks is known for its warm hospitality and for its core values – faith, family, flag, friends, and future – this is our legacy,” Head says. “Now is the time for us to unite in our shared values rather than focusing our differences, which are pulling us apart. What if we all took a day to be united in prayer for our medical professionals, our non-profits, our first responders, and our schools that have all heroically worked to meet the needs of our community during this pandemic? We are all better together, so let’s gather in the “Prayer Squares” throughout the Ozarks to pray for our friends and neighbors who are struggling.”
Pam Yancey of Arvest Bank, who also serves on the hospital Board, hopes the “Prayer Square” will bring out the best in Branson.
“The heart of this community is so good,” she says. “Coming together to support each other is what we’ve always done. We hope this special Square will help us get back to that. This isn’t about politics, it’s about our people. Our community may not always agree on everything, but I know we all want health and happiness for our friends and neighbors.”
Visitors are encouraged to share photos of their time at the "Prayer Square" using the hashtag #CoxHealthPrayerSquare
(Press Release from CoxHealth)