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Report: City of Branson Water Quality High

According to a Branson press release, the annual Water Quality Report for the 2020 calendar year shows the drinking water in Branson meets or surpasses requirements.

The report is a requirement of “all water systems, both municipal and private, by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), to inform the residents of a community about the quality of their drinking water and to allow customers to see the actual elements in the water based on tests performed during the year,” according to the press release. According to the EPA, the report must state “any violations of water quality standards that might have occurred during 2020. The City of Branson public water system had no violations.”

The report is on the City government’s website at under “Water Reports.” “The report will also be mailed to all Branson water customers by way of their June water bills.”

A copy of the report can also be picked up at the Branson Utilities Department on (616 West Pacific Street), City Hall (110 W. Maddux Street), or the Taneyhills Community Library (200 South 4th St).

(Story by: JonChristopher Collins)

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