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Revisions to Animal Ordinance Proposal to be Discussed at Thursday Study Session

The regularly scheduled Branson Board of Aldermen Study Session Thursday will include the resumption of information on the long discussed Animal Control Ordinance revision.

The Proposal was first put into motion in 2018 when the Board ask the Police Department to work on a revision to the City's Animal Control Ordinances after the City took over the Animal Control responsibilities from the Taney County Health Department. The proposal was initially approved this past March but final passage was postponed until April with new Mayor Larry Milton calling for Public Meetings to further discuss and revise the proposal. Those revisions will be discussed during Thursday's Study Session with the Final Reading of the Bill now scheduled for November 9. 

The meeting will take place at 1:30 Thursday afternoon at City Hall with BransonMo.Gov/Livestream providing a live feed of the meeting. 

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