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Seitz Pro-Life Bill Gets Out of Committee

A Lakes Area Representative's Bill to deal with the trafficking of abortion-inducing drugs has passed out of committee and will be considered by the full House and Senate.

The Press Release from Rep. Brian Seitz Office is below:

House Bill 2810, sponsored by Rep. Brian H. Seitz, R-Branson, today passed the Special Committee on Government Oversight by a vote of 7-5 along party lines during executive session.

The pro-life legislation gained national notoriety when a pro-abortion activist tweeted out a false narrative concerning the initial bill.

“Working with the chairman of the committee, Rep. Jered Taylor, and other committee members, a House Committee Substitute was crafted that removed much of the language that had been distorted by the pro-abortion activists," Seitz said. "The substitute is now a bill that creates the offense of trafficking abortion-inducing drugs for the purpose of inducing an abortion in another person, in violation of state or federal law."

The crime would be classified as a Class B felony, carrying a prison sentence of 5-15 years.

There is also language included that protects a woman from prosecution if she individually uses one or more of the drugs covered in the bill.

“HB 2810 is an example of how the committee process should work. We took a bill and made it better without removing the core principles found within it," Seitz said. "I am anxious to get this bill heard on the floor of the House, through the Senate process and onto the Governor’s desk. It’s the strongest pro-life legislation that we’ve heard in the past 2 years, and I’m proud to have sponsored it.” 

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