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Special Meeting to be Held to Discuss Planning and Zoning Accusations Against Branson Alderman

Ruth Denham (Photo courtesy City of Branson)

The Branson Board of Alderman take up an item at Tuesday's meeting dealing with accusations against one of their members.

The board in a 4-1 vote decide to hold a special meeting at a future date to look further into accusations made about the Alderman Representative to the Planning and Zoning Commission.

The accusations, made in a letter to the Acting Director of Planning and Zoning by Commission Chairman Rick Davis, were directed at Alderman Ruth Denham which he accused of misleading applicants and other board members with biased and incorrect information. Davis cited three examples in the letter, all which have been denied by Denham both in a letter to the Branson Tri-Lakes News and restated at Tuesday night’s meeting. 

While the topic was discussed during public comments, when the item came up on the agenda for discussion, after some of the alderman made remarks, Alderman Bill Skains motioned and Cody Fenton seconded to shutdown discussion and hold a Special Meeting addressing the accusations. The motion passed on a 4-1 vote with Alderman Jeff Seay and Jamie Whiteis voting yes, Clay Cooper voting no, and Denham abstaining. 

The complete discussion and the entire Tuesday meeting can be seen on the City of Branson YouTube Channel through the link and Legends 1063 Dot FM. (

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