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Spokane School District Seeks No Tax Increase Levy to Build, Refurbish Facilities

The patrons of the Spokane School District will have a no tax increase levy put before them during Tuesday's Election.

Dr. Della Bell-Freeman, Superintendent of the Spokane School District, lays out some of the projects the district would like address with passage of this issue during an interview last week on KRZK's "Ozarks Now" program. 

Bell-Freeman said the district surveyed some high school students, parents, and other staff members to get a priority list of what the district needs to address which is the basis for what is on the ballot. A Fieldhouse around the track and softball field with restroom facilities along with several security enhancements around the campuses, upgraded locker rooms for the high school, and refurbishing the old high school building which would include relocating the District's Central Office are the projects that will be undertaken with passage of the ballot issue. 

Bell-Freeman says the current debt service would be extended 12 years in order to fund these projects.

The complete interview with Dr. Della Bell-Freeman about the ballot issue from Ozarks Now is below:

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