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Strong Winds Causes Down Trees, Powerlines

One of many tree branches and limbs impacted by recent strong and gusty winds. (Photo by Scott McCaulley)

Excessively high winds caused several issues around the Lakes Region on Wednesday. 

Wind Gusts around 60 MPH hit the region during the afternoon. The reports made to regional National Weather Service offices include:

Taney County: 58 MPH Wind Gusts near Walnut Shade.

Stone County: Winds knocked down tree over road near Kimberling City.

Barry County: Trees down on power line near Golden snapping line and causing grass fire. Another report indicates tree fell injuring two people near Shell Knob.

Christian County: Multiple reports of trees down over roadways.

Boone County: Metal Roof Damaged north of Harrison. 

The strong winds also continue to be a challenge for firefighters. In Missouri, multiple agencies are assisting Douglas County firefighters for a fire that started as a controlled burn on Sunday but then re-ignited with strong winds sending embers across roads. In Arkansas, firefighters spent several days working a pair of fires along Marion County Road 6040. 

Winds are not forecast to be as gusty with relative humidity slightly higher, but fire caution remains today with another round of strong winds in the forecast for Friday. 


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