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Study: Shoppers Finding Different Ways to Save at the Grocery Store

As inflation continues to be an issue, shoppers are finding different ways to save money, especially at the grocery store.

According to a study published by FOX News from Swiftly, a retail technology platform, around 69% of shoppers surveyed said they are struggling to pay their grocery bills while nearly 83% have changed shopping behaviors to help combat the rising costs. 

According to the survey, shoppers are using several techniques including looking for specials, using awards programs, and buying "off-brand" products to save dollars. 

Bill Dendy, Nationally Known CPA and Money Manager, during a recent interview on KRZK's Ozarks Now Program, reviewed some shopping tips for those going to the store including not shopping for groceries while hungry and preparing and sticking to a shopping list. 

The complete interview from Ozarks Now can be heard below:

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