A survey given to the Branson Board of Aldermen revealed what the board considered top goals.
The survey was given by the city administration. City Attorney Joe Lauber discussed the survey during the Feb. 29 special Board of Aldermen meeting. One of the questions asked what they think is the city's first short-term or two-year goal for economic development.
The results revealed that "redevelopment of vacant and blighted property" was voted on by almost two-thirds of participants as the top two-year goal. Behind that priority was "availability of workforce housing." It had a vote of 28.57%
The two-year goal, "creating a 12-month economy," came in at 14.29%. The survey also asked about a top mid-term or five-year goal.
Three options ended up receiving a vote of 28.57%. Those three were "creating a 12-month economy," "redevelopment of vacant and blighted property" and "availability of workforce housing." There were other options, but the results reveal a focus on three issues.
Another option received attention. "Creating new/innovative tourism attractions" came in at 14.29%.
42.86% voted that "creating a 12-month economy" was the top long-term or 10-year goal. "Redevelopment of vacant and blighted property" came in at 28.57%. "Attracting higher paying jobs" and "increasing tax revenue had votes of 14.29%
The following slide has a question focusing on the location of economic development:
Screenshot taken on YouTube.
All aldermen and the mayor participated; the votes they made were anonymous.