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Taney County Partnership Career Days Underway

Photo courtesy Ozarks First

The annual Taney County Partnership Career Days are underway at three area schools.

The full story from Tony Nguyen of Ozarks First:

At the Taney County Career Days Hollister high school students had the chance to meet potential future employers.

The idea for the event is an awareness campaign for Taney County students to learn that there are plenty of career paths and industry sectors that exist within the county.

“There’s a lot of summer work that you can do that can help you build your resume for that eventual goal that you’ve set for yourself. So anything we can do to again encourage students to work locally, consider the options they have after high school and to college and they go off, who knows where we want them to also know that they’re welcome to come back and come home to either start a business or work in their chosen career path,” says Jonas Arjes with the Taney County Partnership.

He says he hears students say they don’t want to work in the tourism industry, but that’s what a lot of the summer jobs are. He hopes they realize that that job looks really good on a resume.

“It shows that you’ve got experience and have a, you know, have an interest in it and a work ethic in that field,” says Arjes.

“It’s so cool to have all these jobs here that are like good and will work on student schedules as well. And it’s a good chance for students who are actively looking for jobs to find something that’s available to them. And sometimes it’s hard, you know? But this has them all in one place, and it’s really awesome.” says senior Lacey Kellett.

Kellett is working towards becoming involved in speech and theater education. She currently works at a marina state park.

The Taney County Career Days will move to Branson High School tomorrow and then Forsyth on Thursday.

Some businesses that were in attendance at the event included hospital workers, firefighters, Whitewater, ziplining, construction, and banks.

A video feature on the Career Days can be seen on the Ozarks First Website.


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