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Taneyhills Library Black Friday Sale

The Taneyhills Library will hold its first-ever Black Friday sale this Friday and Saturday.

Ozarks First's Jacob Blount reports on the sale:

The library’s director, Marsha Schemper-Carlock, said the idea came from her new store manager, Katie Michaels.

“We’ve never been opened the Friday after Thanksgiving so we thought, let’s give it a try,” said Schemper-Carlock. “She was one who came up with the clever idea of you know everything black is going to be on sale. Anything in the thrift store that has black on it will be 25% off and anything in the bookstore that has a black cover will get 25% off as well, and then if you spend $25 or more, then you get a free gift.”

Taney County is one of the few counties in the state of Missouri that doesn’t have a publicly funded library. So Taneyhills Library depends on donations as well as sales to keep the lights on.

“For the most part, we operate at about a third under what other publicly-funded libraries,” said Schemper-Carlock. “So as a result what we can offer is limited, but we’re doing the best we can and we’re hoping at some point to become tax-supported.”

Besides the big sale this weekend, the library is hoping to recruit more volunteers. The non-profit lost a significant amount throughout the pandemic and is hoping to add more members to the team soon.

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