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Vietnam Memorial Wall Opening Ceremony Coming Up on Sunday

One of the annual opening activities of Veterans Homecoming Week will take place on Sunday.

The full press release is below:

The Lodges at Timber Ridge, (Formerly the Welk Resort), will once again host the Traveling Vietnam Memorial Wall opening ceremony. 

The keynote speaker is Col. Chris Brayman, Commander of the Branson High School AFJrROTC.

Also, Mayor Larry Milton will read his proclamation citing the City of Branson as the most patriotic city in America.  

The opening and closing prayer will be given by Amelia Aguilera and the Nation Anthem will be sung by Elijah Clymer, both from the College of the Ozarks.

The posting of colors, rifle volley, wreath laying, and taps will be performed by the Branson Veterans of America 913 Honor Guard.  

This is open to the public and all are encouraged to come and participate is this moving ceremony this Sunday at 2:00 pm.

Call Bob Sarver, 417-294-0728 for more information.

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