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Will the Buffalo River Undergo Redesignation? Arkansas State Senator Bryan King Speaks

Arkansas State Senator Bryan King spoke about the possible Buffalo River redesignation and more on Monday.

King appeared on KHOZ's "Around The Table" on Monday to discuss the possibility of designating the river and more. When it comes to redesignating the Buffalo River from a national river to a national park, the senator believes that isn't likely right now. He said the effort is "just sleeping."

He said the effort to make the change should have started in the local area. He said some involved individuals realized that and have decided to talk with locals.

The senator commented on what redesignating the body of water would do. The side favoring redesignation claims that it will fuel an increase in tourism. King isn't so sure.

He pointed to concerns surrounding the roads and infrastructure and how the change may amplify those. He stressed that more thinking needs to happen before such a change occurs. More was discussed on the broadcast.

The full interview with King is on the "Around The Table" Facebook Page.

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